‘We are trying to save education for our grandchildren’
ABOUT 100 people turned out yesterday to protest at the States' approval of a two-school model for secondary education.

The group marched from Salerie Corner to Market Square where speakers included principal organiser Pete Burtenshaw, Rachel Presland, student Matt Bougourd, former deputy Mike Garrett, and former Education Sport & Culture members Deputies John Gollop, Andrea Dudley-Owen, Carl Meerveld and Lester Queripel.
Mr Burtenshaw said the turnout could have been better, but he thought the bitterly cold weather could have had something to do with it.
He said for some time it had been clear to him and fellow organiser Hayley Ferbrache, who both have children at La Mare de Carteret, that the school would not be rebuilt. He had no problem with retaining selection, but said the States had bowed to the left-wingers.
‘To choose the nuclear option based on flawed ideologies has put a big question mark over the future of our education system,’ he said.
The fight would go on and more protests would be arranged.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press