Police charge 14 during drink-drive campaign
NEARLY 600 drivers were stopped by police as part of the Christmas drink-drive campaign in Guernsey and Alderney, with just three being arrested on suspicion of the offence.

As well as the random checks, a further 17 drivers were arrested on suspicion of drink-driving during the six-week campaign after coming to officers’ attention via other means.
In total, 14 drivers were charged – 12 in Guernsey and two in Alderney.
Police officers spoke to 598 drivers as part of the campaign.
Roads Policing Inspector Karl Zierlinger said that while targeted campaigns like this brought the issue into focus, drink-driving was always a priority for the police.
‘Despite the fact that we highlight the drink-drive campaign and the obvious dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, 14 people still risked their lives and the lives of others during the Christmas period,’ he said.
‘Our commitment to target drivers affected by drink will continue, with stop-checks being carried out throughout the year.
‘We regularly receive calls from members of the public to report concerns that a driver may be over the limit and that highlights how many people feel the crime is totally unacceptable. It is heartening to see that officers receive very positive reactions from drivers that are spoken to.’
Drug & Alcohol Strategy co-ordinator Andrea Nightingale said the campaign was an important way of reminding the community to find alternative transport to and from pubs and parties.
‘It can be far too tempting to drive if the vehicle is within easy reach,’ she said.
‘We know that everyone reacts to alcohol differently, the same amount of alcohol can influence an individual’s behaviour in comparison to another and we hope the “Russian roulette” theme highlighted this.
‘However, there are still individuals that are willing to risk their lives by driving under the influence, with 33 of the 76 offenders caught during 2017 being at least two-and-a-half times over the limit. We will continue our message for as long as it takes to make our roads as safe as possible.’