Guernsey Press

L'Ancresse work concerns countered by planners

CONCERNS that work has been carried out at L'Ancresse without permission have been dismissed by planning.


Environment & Infrastructure is putting temporary rock armour in place to protect parts of the wall ahead of submitting an application for the main project to remove a section of it and build two groynes.

Campaigners have submitted queries to the States after two large holes were dug in the beach.

'It has been confirmed to us by engineers working on the beach that two holes were recently dug to assess the height of rock, and the beach was then immediately reinstated,' said Planning Services.

'The rationale was that the work took advantage of the digger on site during the rock protection works and thus saved on the cost of bringing a machine down on a separate occasion.

'It appears to have generated not insignificant speculation on social media regarding whether the holes dug required planning consent. While Planning Services would not normally comment on speculation, on this occasion we felt it important to clarify that this work did not amount to development under the planning law.'

Work is being completed on site this week.