Guernsey Press

Vale field could be used to house 17 new homes

UP TO 17 new homes could be created on a small field in the Vale.

Camp Dolent, the agricultural field on the corner of Tertre Lane and Route des Coutures, near Vale School, for which planners have submitted a draft development framework for creating up to 17 new homes.

The planners have submitted a draft development framework for Camp Dolent – an agricultural field on the corner of Tertre Lane and Route des Coutures, near Vale School.

The brief states that the land is close to the Bridge main centre, with very good public transport links. There is already ribbon development along the lane, with increased density in homes in the more modern clos.

The planners estimate that between eight and 17 new homes could be created on the 0.27 hectare (1.65 vergees) site.

‘Two-storey buildings constitute a more efficient use of land than single-storey buildings and therefore development proposals should consider a multi-storey design from the outset,’ the brief states.

‘Proportionate residential amenity space must be provided appropriate to the housing type.

‘An active frontage should be created along the south boundary with Tertre Lane. There is potential for a building forming the corner of Tertre Lane and Route des Coutures, although care is required to provide appropriate frontages to both highways.

‘The development should seek to provide adequate spacing between buildings of an appropriate scale and mass to maintain visual access to the undeveloped landscape to the north.’

Currently, access to the field is from the west of Tertre Lane.

‘The development could be served by a single access onto Tertre Lane or Route des Coutures, or it could include multiple accesses onto Tertre Lane serving individual properties if it can be demonstrated that this would provide a more efficient use of land and result in a better overall development.’

‘If the development accesses onto Tertre Lane, the impact on traffic flows, pedestrian safety and issues with exiting from the junction of Tertre Lane onto Route des Coutures would require consideration.

The road network must be able to cope with the increased demand resulting from the new development.’

The draft development framework can be accessed via the States of Guernsey website at on the ‘development frameworks’ page or copies are available to view at the planning service reception at Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port.

Islanders can comment on the brief by emailing or in writing to the authority over the next four weeks.

Following consultation, the comments received together with the document will then be considered by the Development & Planning Authority. If approved by the authority, the development framework will become supplementary planning guidance and will be taken into account when considering development proposals for this site.

All responses and comments should be received by 5pm on Friday 6th April, 2018.