Boy’s Brigade companies join forces for parade
THE Boys’ Brigade’s 71st annual battalion church parade took place yesterday.

About 60 people took part in the parade, which was inspected by the Bailiff, Sir Richard Collas.
The band of the 2nd Company led the parade which marched around the block from its L’Islet headquarters to a service at St Mary’s Church which was conducted by the Rev. Tim Dack.
The Wesley Church-based 5th Company will take its turn to lead in 2019.
The brigade caters for boys aged six to 18 and features a variety of events including sports, band, camping, fire and crime prevention.
‘We have two strong companies in Guernsey but it would be nice to see more,’ said 2nd Guernsey captain and battalion vice-president Steve England.
‘It’s always good for the two companies to come together as they don’t meet that often.’
Warrant officer Tom Johns, 21, became the second recipient of The Peter Walker CB CBE Trophy when Sir Richard presented it to him after the church service. Donated in memory of the former Lt-Governor, the trophy is awarded to a young leader who is totally committed to the work of the Boys’ Brigade.
Mr Johns, who works as a mechanic at Paul’s Motors, joined the company section aged 14. He now uses his skills to teach the younger boys basic car maintenance.
Promoted to the rank of lance corporal in 2011 then sergeant in 2013, by 2015 he had completed his bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Mr Johns is an officer in the 2nd Guernsey where he is a member of the band. He also helps out with the Anchor Boys.
‘I was shocked to get the award and it’s something that is still sinking in,’ he said.
n Anyone wishing to join the Boys Brigade or seeking more information is asked to contact Mr England on 727554 or Mark Robert, from the 5th Company, on 726198.