‘I’ve never had issues with cyclists on coastal paths’
DOG WALKERS on L’Ancresse Common say they have not experienced any issues with cyclists.

The comments follow the Vale Commons Council AGM, at which cyclists were warned they could be banned from the footpaths after problems with speeding.
Dog walkers on the common yesterday said they were surprised by the council’s comments.
‘I don’t see many cyclists,’ said John Hanley, who regularly walks his two pets on the footpaths.
‘I’ve only see three or four and I have never had any problems.’
Sue Hunter, who walks her dog Nelson on the common, agreed.
‘I come down here a lot and I have never had any problems,’ she said.
‘We can’t complain because they want people to keep fit. I think we should live and let live.’
Gwyn Williams-Yeagers said she had never had problems with cyclists when walking her Jack Russells.
‘I know many years ago there used to be problems with cyclists speeding,’ she said.
‘But now I find people are coming through quite gently and they do stop as they do not want problems.’
Guernsey Bicycle Group chairman Sam Field said the first he knew of the problems was reading the council’s AGM report in the Guernsey Press. However he was not surprised there were issues.
‘Where there are riders and pedestrians in a shared space there can be issues,’ he said.
‘It would be a shame to stop cyclists using the common. We are trying to get more and more people riding their bikes and the common is great for families.
‘People need to show respect when they are in a shared space and look out for each other.
‘If you are on a bike then the pedestrian has priority. Now 99.9% of riders are aware of that and respect that.’
He said it was really important to have off-the-road areas for cycling.