‘Clematis best I have entered at Chelsea’
CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW veteran Raymond Evison has said his latest clematis display is the best he has ever entered.

This morning he will find out whether he has won a 30th gold medal for his hard work.
The five-day event officially opens to Royal Horticultural Society members today in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea.
Nearly 2,000 plants make up the Guernsey Clematis exhibit, which includes between 12,000 and 15,000 clematis flowers.
‘It’s the best I’ve done so far,’ said Mr Evison from Guernsey Clematis.
The display was much admired by members of the royal family and Chelsea’s guests on VIP day yesterday, including Guernsey’s Lt-Governor, Vice Admiral Sir Ian Corder, and Lady Corder.
The exhibit in Chelsea’s Great Pavilion depicts a contemporary seashore scene – clematis floating on waves, five small fishing boats filled with blue flowers and a beach scene of sand, pebbles, lobster pots and shells.
‘Imagine we’re standing on the beach at Cobo,’ said Mr Evison.
‘The boats are on the foreshore, ormer shells and scallop shells and pebbles are on the sand and there, in the distance, the sun setting behind La Grosse Rocque.’
This was Sir Ian’s second visit to the annual show. He described the Guernsey stand as ‘an extraordinary achievement which, seen by so many thousands of people, is also a marvellous showpiece for the island.’
Guernsey Clematis was also launching three special varieties of clematis at Chelsea – Tranquilite, a white flower infused with light blue, named to acknowledge the wonderful care at Les Bourgs Hospice, Sarah Elizabeth, a pink clematis named after Sarah Groves, and Nubia, a deep-red long-lasting variety.
Mike Tanguy, the retiring chairman of Les Bourgs Hospice, and Vic and Kate Groves, Sarah’s parents, were among the many well-wishers attending the opening day of the show.