Guernsey Press

Giant Plant Sale proves to be a hardy perennial

MORE than a hundred islanders queued to get into the ever popular Plant Heritage Giant Plant Sale yesterday morning.

Sale organiser Linda Fermont at yesterday’s Plant Heritage Giant Plant Sale. (Picture by Ben Fiore, 21579301)

The annual event again returned to Saumarez Manor.

It was due to open at 10am, but the rope had to be dropped early due to the huge queue, which snaked around the garden and out of the gate, onto Route de Sausmarez.

Sale organiser Linda Fermont said more than 50 volunteers had been involved in preparing for the sale and putting on the event.

‘We have thousands of plants and people who have been involved before have said this is the biggest sale ever,’ she said.

Many of the plants were specially cultivated by Plant Heritage members, while some local businesses also helped provide flowers.

Raymond Evison, who recently won a silver gilt for his flowers at the Chelsea Flower Show, provided some of his plants too.

First in the queue hunting for something special was Alison Matthew, 45, who arrived just after 9am.

She lives in an old Guernsey farmhouse, which has a large garden, so she was keen to add some colour.

‘I came late last time and had to queue, so this time I came early and brought a book,’ she said.

‘I’ve come because they have lots of interesting plants, which you don’t see in other places.

‘It’s right after the Chelsea Flow Show, so you feel all inspired.’

Mrs Fermont said the sale was vital in providing funds for the group.

Plant Heritage has around 5,000 plants in their collection, including about 3,000 nerines – which are also known as Guernsey lilies.

Mrs Fermont said the money raised went towards looking after the plants.

The group recently moved into a new greenhouse, so the funds will also help with that.