Guernsey Press

Taxi driver who dragged man beside car guilty of assault

TAXI driver Glen Pontin did drive off at speed, recklessly dragging his customer behind him and then left the injured man on a deserted petrol station forecourt in the early hours, it was ruled in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

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(Picture by Steve Sarre, 21590755)

Pontin, 56, of Rushford, Les Abreuveurs Road, St Sampson’s, had denied assaulting visiting musical performer William Bracey and the alternative of dangerous driving, as well as a charge of failing to stop after accident.

But Judge Graeme McKerrell said he did not believe Pontin and found him guilty of assault and failing to stop.

The incident happened at about 2am one night last August.

Mr Bracey was drunk and was sick in Pontin’s taxi. They went to Doyle Motors so the victim could pay Pontin £300 for the loss of earnings and damage.

However, Mr Bracey did not have enough money is his account and the pair spent a long time talking – Pontin in the driver’s seat and Mr Bracey getting in and out of the car.

Pontin argued that he had felt threatened by his passenger and was worried he would get violent, which was the reason for pulling away.

But this was rejected by Judge McKerrell.

‘I have no doubt that Mr Bracey was being a complete pain on the night,’ he said.

But he said the CCTV footage did not show Mr Bracey getting violent. Pontin was also seen to look down to get a business card and to take his time putting his seatbelt on. Judge McKerrell said this showed that the taxi driver was not feeling threatened or in danger.

Mr Bracey was seen getting in and out of the car and Judge McKerrell said he did not accept Pontin’s account that he believed Mr Bracey had stepped away from the vehicle.

‘He may not have wanted to cause harm to Mr Bracey, but he must have foreseen some risk that he would do so,’ he said.

He accepted Mr Bracey’s account that his arm was inside the car when the vehicle pulled off, with the passenger door open, leading to him being dragged across the forecourt.

He noted that Pontin had stopped only to shut the passenger door once the victim was disengaged from the vehicle.

Pontin had claimed he was unaware that Mr Bracey was dragged behind the car. Mr Bracey suffered a dislocated shoulder and grazes down his left side.

Judge McKerrell said if dangerous driving had been placed as a separate charge, rather than an alternative, he would have found Pontin guilty of that as well.

The case was adjourned to July to allow for a probation report to be prepared before sentencing.

  • A guilty plea was entered to a separate count of failing to stop at a traffic light, an offence which was committed in March.