Sark fills gaps left after teachers quit
SARK SCHOOL’S teaching team for 2018-19 has been finalised, just a few months after every member of teaching staff announced their resignation.

Following the appointment of the new school head, the island’s Education Committee advertised for two class teachers.
More than 40 applications were received and, as part of the shortlisting process, a number of candidates, including a Sark-based applicant, were asked to demonstrate their teaching at a primary school in Plymouth.
‘Final interviews were held on-island on Monday 21 May and, as a result, offers of employment were made to Sarah Cullen and Nicholas Wolfe. Both of these have been accepted,’ said Education Committee chairman Pauline Mallinson.
Before coming to Sark, Mrs Cullen was early years manager, Reception teacher and English lead for Waterside Primary in Southampton. She was recently appointed as the island safeguarding officer.
Mr Wolfe is a Key Stage 2 specialist and has worked in schools in London and Beijing with a specialism in science.
The total cost of recruitment for these posts and the new head is anticipated to be between £14,000 and £15,000.
Education has drafted a safeguarding policy which covers safeguarding of vulnerable adults as well as children, but currently no Sark committee has a mandate to cover this area.
The committee is discussing this with the douzaine and HM Procureur as to where the responsibilities lie.
Since her appointment, the safeguarding officer has received a number of referrals.
‘Some of which have been resolved and are being monitored for the next 12 months and a number of cases remain live,’ said Conseiller Mallinson.
‘The current live cases involve both children and vulnerable adults. Some of the cases have external involvement with social services from Guernsey and the UK.’
Work is also under way on new policies for the school and a development plan will be drafted by the new head and the interim director of education early in the autumn term.
This will be approved by the board and brought to Chief Pleas for information.