Guernsey Press

Town Carnival ends on a high note

MORE local music than ever before has been performed at this year’s Town Carnival, which ended on Saturday.

Stanley’s Dixie Street Band from the Czech Republic. Left to right, Marek Bukovjan, Jan Holena, Stanley Detsuy, Lukas Kas and Petr Krumphauzl. (Picture by Steve Sarre, 22130299)

Over two weeks St Peter Port’s streets have been filled with entertainment. The first week focused on local music, while the second week saw international performers also take part.

Town Centre Partnership executive officer Jack Honeybill said they had 34 local acts performing over the two weeks.

‘We’ve had 316 hours of local entertainment,’ he said.

‘That’s the most we’ve ever had. Many of them were young people, who were new to performing, and they have been fantastic.’

International acts also took part, including singers Il Destino, who rounded off their week with a charity performance on Saturday night for Autism Guernsey. Mr Honeybill said it had been great to see the two singers performing with two girls from GADOC.

‘It was really lovely,’ he said.

The weather managed to just hold out for the carnival.

‘I think we were very fortunate that we have had such a superb fortnight of weather, which has been bringing people into Town, and we have had a large number of cruise ship passengers,’ Mr Honeybill said.

‘It has created a real carnival atmosphere.’

However, there were a few hiccups for the performers.

Stanley’s Dixie Street Band had travelled over to the Guernsey from the Czech Republic. This was the sixth time they have taken part in carnival. However, Condor’s ferry sailings on Sunday were cancelled due to high winds and the performers had managed to hurriedly pack on Saturday, a day early, and get an afternoon sailing to get back to the continent.

Mr Honeybill said he was very grateful for all the support local businesses and islanders had given the event.

He also added a special thanks to the 30 businesses that donated tombola prizes for the carnival.