Cobo build approved behind closed doors
A CONTENTIOUS planning application for a large site on the Cobo Coast Road has been approved behind closed doors, despite calls from the public and deputies for the decision to be made at an open planning meeting.

Mr and Mrs Annegarn had applied to demolish La Roseliere on Route De Cobo and build a new dwelling.
They also proposed to bring the field by the junction between Route de Cobo and the Cobo Coast Road into the domestic curtilage, so they could build a 0.9m wall around the boundary and give a clear divide between public and private space.
In the past the land was agricultural and had been open for the public to use.
Project architect James Gavey said that the area had seen a number of new builds in recent years and this would be a new addition.
‘We are delighted to have achieved planning permission for the proposed works and with a building licence pending we hope the design can be successfully taken through the construction phase by the owners,’ he said.
Nearby residents objected strongly to the scheme.
Sixteen letters were sent to the planners, arguing that the new property would overshadow neighbours and the boundary wall would increase flooding on the nearby coast road, as the water could not run off into the field.
Castel deputies Chris Green, Richard Graham and Barry Paint also raised objections. Neighbours and deputies Jonathan Le Tocq and Chris Green had all called for an open planning meeting.
A Planning Services spokesman said while there were 26 objections against the original applications, only seven people objected to the revised plans.
‘It was noted that the Castel constables maintained their original objections and asked that the application be considered at an open planning meeting but the committee concluded that the application fell within the scope of the approved scheme of delegation,’ he said.
He stated it was a householder development, which could be decided using planning policy.
Castel senior constable John Cook said it had requested an open planning meeting.
‘It was a surprise they did not hold an open planning meeting and we are concerned they have not taken our views into consideration,’ he said.
Mike Appelqvist lives next door to the site and had also requested an open planning meeting.
‘I am absolutely disappointed [in the planners],’ he said.
‘I’ve got no faith in them at all now. They [the applicants] were always going to get something and I had no problem with that, but I did expect the planning authority to have a modicum of respect for the neighbours.’
In the decision notice the planners said that while the proposed new building was taller than the existing structure, the house was on a substantial plot that could cope with a larger building. In terms of the change of use of the field to a garden, the planners said building a low wall around it to block public access would not affect the landscape character of the area.