Harbours’ parking ticket system unfair, says Travel Trident boss
TRAVEL TRIDENT managing director Peter Wilcox said he was angry when Harbours’ staff put parking tickets on the cars of people travelling to Herm.

Historically, people heading to Herm or Sark could park on the East Arm, providing they bought a permit, issued by Harbours, from Travel Trident.
When the freight compound at the White Rock was extended and the East Arm reverted to standard parking, Harbours allowed Herm and Sark visitors to park in the Port Permit area by the White Rock Cafe, providing they bought the said permits.
Mr Wilcox said a former harbourmaster had told him that permits were not necessary at weekends as there was less demand on spaces and that the area was not patrolled.
On Sunday, [5 Aug] Harbour staff put parking tickets on several vehicles in the area including some of Travel Trident’s customers, and that of Mr Wilcox’s mother, Adey Wilcox, 77, who holds a disabled badge.
‘When I questioned it [with Harbours] I was told that the information I had been given was wrong and that boat owners had been complaining that there was nowhere for them to park,’ he said.
‘It’s not a problem for my mother who will pay the £30 penalty but I feel sorry for our customers as, in good faith, we have not been telling them at weekends that they need permits to park there.’
As a gesture of goodwill, and providing they give proof of payment of the fine, Travel Trident will give complimentary Herm travel tickets to the equivalent value of the fine to those who found parking tickets on their vehicles when they returned from Herm.
Mr Wilcox said some people did not seem to care about tourism. Day permits for parking, which Travel Trident made nothing on, had started at £3, then £5 and then £6.
From there they jumped to £11 which he said was extortionate - parking at the airport was only £8 per day.
Parking spaces were available at North Beach on the day in question but the Port Permit area was close and convenient.
‘You can hardly say that the system is fair either as I parked there on Sunday and never got a ticket,’ he said.
‘My mother is very upset about the whole thing, as we all are with the lack of parking in St Peter Port at the moment.’
A spokesman for Harbours said parking spaces in the harbour areas were always in high demand during the peak holiday season.
‘Permits are needed to park in spaces designated for port permit holders on every day of the week, including weekends,’ he said.
‘As a concession, Guernsey Harbours has provided a limited number of temporary permits for passengers travelling to Herm.
‘Outside the main holiday season, consideration will also be given to allowing use of vacant spaces for specific periods or events.
‘Authority to park in Port Permit spaces may only be given by Guernsey Harbours staff as authorised by the harbourmaster.’