Guernsey Press

Rain means quiet start to second day of West Show

WELLIES and umbrellas were out in force at the West Show yesterday, as the weather turned wet for the second day of the event.

Picture By Peter Frankland. 16-08-18 West Show 2018. Thursday. Checking out the onions are L-R - John Andrews, Elizabeth Ozanne and Emily Ozanne, 5.. (22292678)

While it led to a quiet start to the day, the crowds grew as the afternoon dried out.

West Show president Rodney Dyke said some of the earlier ring events had to be postponed to later in the afternoon, including gymnastics and the dog display team.

‘I have been soaked today already,’ he said at lunchtime.

‘It’s been a quiet morning, but there’s quite a few people around.’

Competitors from St Peter’s, Torteval and St Saviour’s entered the tent classes, with an array of fruit, vegetables, photographs, crafts and baked goods on show.

Among the people admiring them was Elizabeth Ozanne, with her five-year-old daughter Emily and her father John Andrews.

‘We just love coming to the West Show,’ she said.

‘People put so much effort into their displays.’

In the ring the crowds enjoyed displays from Dexter the Dinosaur, the Rockwood Dog Display Team, the MBE BMX Stunt Show and the Guernsey Academy of Gymnastics.

One popular exhibit was the tractor class, with dozens of modern and classic vehicles on show.

Paul Ozanne managed to win the pre-1960 class with his 1951 David Brown. ‘I still actually use it for light work,’ he said.

The show is a bit of a family affair, with all his children entering the craft and cookery classes.

Anya-Sophia, 10, was highly commended for her Victoria sponge and got a star for her miniature garden.

‘I really like coming to the show for all the rides,’ she said. ‘It’s also nice to come and see all the animals.’

The show was rounded off last night with live music and the auctioning of the exhibits.

More in Pages 23-25

n The last of the traditional summer shows – the North – takes place in Saumarez Park next Wednesday and Thursday. The Battle of Flowers is on the second day.