Guernsey Press

Slashed tyres leave disabled couple stranded at home

A DISABLED couple have had their car’s front tyres slashed, leaving them stranded in their home.

Katina and Sid Jones alongside their car, which had tyres slashed in the early hours of Wednesday while parked outside their home at Millbrook Estate. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 22281301)

Katina, 64, and Sid Jones, 70, were shocked to find the damage to their car, which was parked outside their Millbrook Estate home, on Wednesday morning.

‘I feel sick to my stomach,’ Mrs Jones said.

‘And I’m scared. You don’t know who is outside your home.’

The couple have a disabled badge on their car because they both have problems with their knees and hips, meaning their car is their lifeline to go out.

‘I feel so annoyed by it,’ Mr Jones said.

Both front tyres suffered clean cuts with a blade. It is believed the damage was done at about 1am on Wednesday.

‘I heard a noise like a bang – like when you blow up a paper bag and pop it,’ said Mrs Jones.

‘That must have been the tyre exploding.

‘I did get up and look out of the window, but I could not see anything.

‘I did think about going outside but I’m glad I didn’t. They had a knife, they could have stabbed me.

‘You don’t know who is lurking.’

The next morning Mrs Jones was preparing to go to a specialist medical appointment, which was at 9.20am in St Martin’s.

But at 8.45am a neighbour came around to ask if they had seen the damage.

Fortunately, the Jones’ neighbours were able to give Mrs Jones a lift to and from her appointment.

‘We are lucky and the majority of our neighbours are really good,’ she said.

But they are now stranded at home.

‘There will be no grocery shopping this week, as we have no car,’ she said.

It will cost about £100 to replace the tyres. Mrs Jones is not working and Mr Jones is living on his pension. The repair money will come from the savings they had put aside for their retirement.

Mrs Jones said this was not the first time a car on the estate has been targeted. One of their neighbours had nails hammered into their tyres at the weekend.

n Guernsey Police are investigating the damage. Anyone with information is asked to call PC 40 Pursey on 725111 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.