Guernsey Press

Open day held at unique bungalow in aid of Cheshire Home

A UNIQUE local property opened its doors at the weekend, raising funds for the Guernsey Cheshire Home in the process.

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Maggie Talbot-Cull, who has lived in the house for 40 years, and Fiona Mclaren outside the unique Seaplane Bungalow. (Picture by Ben Fiore, 22309480)

Seaplane Bungalow at Jerbourg in St Martin’s was built 100 years ago this year from what had previously been a hut used by the French military at the Castle Emplacement as part of its seaplane operations to and from the island.

The structure of the original hut can still be seen inside the property, although it has since been extended.

Maggie Talbot-Cull has lived in the house for 40 years. ‘My grandfather bought the land at Jerbourg for a summer home,’ she said, ‘and brought the hut up on a horse and cart.’

To celebrate the property’s centenary and raise funds, guests could buy tickets to attend a party in a marquee erected in a nearby field.

During the afternoon they were treated to musical entertainment, poetry readings and afternoon tea as well as being able to look inside the house and see photos and learn more about its history.

Some of the items had been loaned by the Priaulx Library, and there were pictures of French seaplanes as used between 1917 and 1919 in island waters.

Cheshire Home patron and chair of its support group Cherry McMillen said she was grateful to those who had assisted in getting everything set up. ‘We’ve had a huge team of helpers,’ she said.

She also thanked Les Cotils for supplying food for the afternoon tea free of charge.

Members of the Guernsey Military History Society also took part in the afternoon, dressed in First World War uniforms.

While Shaun Marsh and Jim Rowe were dressed as members of the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry, Samantha Horsepool wore the uniform of a Red Cross Nurse and Martin Le Page wore that of a member of the 247 St Malo Regiment.

Enjoying the afternoon was Summer Broe, whose family lived two doors along from the bungalow.

‘We’ve spoken to Maggie about the history before because we’re neighbours,’ she said. ‘It’s nice that people are supporting the Cheshire Home and the house. I can’t believe it’s 100 years old.’