Busy time for Plant Heritage at autumn sale
GERANIUMS and salvias proved popular at the Plant Heritage autumn plant sale on Saturday.

It was a busy morning for the volunteers at Sausmarez Manor.
Events organiser Tattie Thompson said they were pleased with how it went.
‘We’ve had a lot of people and it’s been really, really busy,’ she said.
‘There’s a lot of people who come because of what we have. We try and grow things that are a bit different, interesting plants. It’s always things we know that will do well in Guernsey and they are grown by Plant Heritage members.’
Plant Heritage committee member Linda Fermont said plants like geraniums, salvias and campania have sold particularly well.
‘People are either buying flowers for some residual colour or they are investing for next year,’ she said.
The funds raised from the sale will go towards helping to look after the group’s nationally recognised nerine collection.
Preparations are well under way for this year’s Nerine Festival, which will be held in the upper glasshouse at Candie Gardens in October.
The volunteers started to water the bulbs in August, which has encouraged the plants to grow and hopefully bloom in time for the festival.
The festival will take place between Saturday 6 and Saturday 20 October.