Guernsey Press

Pride parade paints the Town rainbow

RAINBOW flags, shiny pompoms and glitter turned the streets colourful on Saturday as Channel Islands Pride 2018 filled Town.

The Channel Islands Pride 2018 marching through the High Street on Saturday. (Picture by Chris George)

About 4,000 people gathered at Candie Gardens on Saturday afternoon, in high spirits and dressed in rainbow colours.

Led by Samba Burros they danced down the streets, carrying a 50-metre long rainbow flag and then congregated in Market Square for an open-air concert, with music from bands such as The Recks and the London Gay Big Band. This is the second time the Liberate event has been held in Guernsey.

Parade manager Karen Girdlestone said she was thrilled with how it went.

‘It was fabulous, really fabulous’ she said.

‘We reckon it was double what we had last time it was in Guernsey.

‘We estimate there were between 3,500 and 4,000 people. It was incredible.

‘You could not move in Market Square. Everybody was just enjoying it.’

She said there was still some negativity towards the event, but attitudes were changing.

‘Some people might not understand why this needs to take place,’ she said.

‘It’s so people can be who they want to be in a safe environment.’

People turned out in every colour of the rainbow.

There were jewelled corsets, rainbow fishnets, multicoloured capes and even a unicorn onesie.

One of the stand-out outfits took inspiration from a children’s film.

They had made special 'Inqueerables' outfits – inspired by the Pixar film The Incredibles.

Among them was Bailey Shaw, eight, who was enjoying his second Pride event.

‘The best thing about it is seeing everyone as equals and able to be themselves,’ he said.

The emergency services were also on hand, with specially ordered rainbow epaulettes, so their uniforms could tie in with the theme.

Guernsey Police confirmed no arrests were made in relation to the event and everything had gone smoothly.