Guernsey Press

Last chance to claim Crufts place for the CI’s top dogs

DOGS of all shapes and sizes were competing yesterday for a last chance to take part in Crufts next year.

Paige Le Moignan was showing the Tibetan terrier puppy Merlot and was named the best puppy in the utility class. (Picture by Juliet Pouteaux, 22956094)

A total of 99 dogs took part in the Guernsey Kennel Club’s Winter Open at Beau Sejour in 246 classes.

This was the last of the club’s four annual shows.

President Chris Bligh said the show was a bit quieter than usual.

‘But the calibre has been good,’ she said.

‘We’ve got two UK judges, who are judging for the first time in the island.’

She said they had seen an increase in the number of cocker spaniels and Shih Tzus taking part, but they had a good selection of dogs.

‘We’ve got some new puppies coming forward,’ she said.

‘We’ve also got some dogs over from Jersey.’

There was also a growing number of junior handlers, who are helping to show the dogs.

‘Hopefully they are the future of the club,’ Mrs Bligh said.

Tibetan terrier Merlot was having a good show. At 10 months, it was only her third, but she won the best puppy in the utility class.

‘She’s had a pretty chilled day,’ said Paige Le Moignan, who was showing the puppy.

‘We are hoping to win best puppy in show, but there is always tough competition.’

Katie Wyser was showing her two-year-old Tibetan terrier, Charlie. She said he was enjoying the show.

‘It’s going well, but it was hard to keep him dry,’ she said.

‘We had to carry him from the car.’

Bettina Yasbsley was showing her seven-year-old Belgian Shepherd Groenendael, Echo.

‘I enjoy taking part in the shows and he has done really well,’ Mrs Yabsley said.

n Crufts is in March at the NEC, Birmingham.