Plans for five homes on Braye Road site are turned down
A BID to build houses on a former horticultural site opposite Braye Road Garage has been rejected by Planning, who described the proposed layout as ‘incoherent and unacceptable’.
Hillstone Guernsey Ltd wanted to build two flats and three houses on the land.
Three written representations were made against the plans.
Planning Services said the build contravened several policies in the Island Development Plan.
‘The proposal amounts to the over-development of the site,’ a spokesman said.
‘The overall design, form and layout of the development results in an incoherent mix of components which does not respect the character of the local built environment or achieve a good standard of architectural design.
‘The proposed dwellings include small and very poor quality outdoor space, limited outlook, the privacy of unit 1 would be significantly affected by the communal amenity space, there would be limited direct sunlight for units 1 and 2 and it has not been demonstrated that the accommodation is flexible, adaptable and accessible.
‘The proposal would provide an unacceptably poor quality of residential environment for future occupiers of new build dwellings in this location.’
Planning said there would also be issues with properties overlooking each other, the use of energy and resources, the form of construction and its resilience to flooding.
The application site consists of a former horticultural site which was cleared of glasshouse in the 1990s and has consequently become agricultural land.
It includes a block-built shed associated with the former horticultural use of the site and a vehicular access onto La Route du Braye.
Following the removal of the glass, the site was neglected and became overgrown, although the vegetation, including trees along the front roadside boundary, has been cleared recently.
It is one of several sites in the area for which residential planning applications have been put forward.