Nativity scene installed in Church Square
A NATIVITY scene was installed in Church Square yesterday to bring some of the religious meaning of Christmas to Town.

The Christmas lights will be switched on by Father Christmas in Market Square today at 5pm, while the nativity scene will be lit separately in a blessing tomorrow at 12.15pm.
The resin figures are housed in a reinforced shed and have been paid for with an £1,100 donation from the Skipton Community Fund and will be used in Church Square for years to come.
Jax Robin, from the St Peter Port Christmas Lights charity, said it was about creating a feature for the area which allowed the story of Christmas to be accessible to all.
‘It’s something I wanted to do for a while, Christmas is becoming more and more commercialised. I wanted the opportunity to celebrate the meaning of Christmas, it is really important. The Christmas tree has been moved this year to Market Square, which looks fantastic, but we wanted to bring something else back to this square. It will mean that people don’t have to go into church to get a sense of the religious side at Christmas,’ she said.
All the scenery has been painted by Les Beaucamps High School art teacher Rob Sweeney. It is thought the scene will remain in place until the lights are taken down after Christmas.
Aaron Walden, commercial manager at Skipton International, said:
‘The switching on of the Christmas lights is one of island’s historic traditions and one which we were happy to contribute towards, so that St Peter Port can have the addition of a lit nativity scene, bringing the true spirit of Christmas to our High Street for all to enjoy.’
n Festivities begin today at 3.30pm with live entertainment in Market Square. Father Christmas and his chief elf will arrive at the Model Yacht Pond at 3.55pm and parade into Town with the Boys’ Brigade Marching Band, the Rebellion All Stars cheerleaders and other characters. The School of Popular Music will be playing from 4.15 to 4.45pm in Market Square, followed by the arrival of Santa and his elves from the Model Yacht Pond in the square at 4.50pm for the switch-on at 5pm.