Guernsey Airport could be a test bed for drone defences
GUERNSEY AIRPORT could be used to trial a drone defence system at a working airport, a producer of such technology has said.
Richard Gill, the founder and chief executive of Drone Defence, which installed the Sky Fence security system at Les Nicolles Prison, was speaking after thousands of people had their Christmas travel plans disrupted due to a rogue drone at Gatwick Airport.
Mr Gill said the company had been in talks previously about what could be done at airports.
It was the company’s view that the technology could be used there. However, due to airports having complex technology and systems, drone defence at airports would have to go through trials and testing to see if could be successful.
‘We have deployed the technology to use when there is no aircraft landing but what we are seeking to achieve is using it alongside other airport operations,’ he said.
‘We have spoken to lots of different people, but there are lots of people saying they can do lots of different things, so for airports and prisons they have to make assessments so that they can be comfortable with whatever they choose before they can deem it a success. And that takes time.’
He said whoever caused the disruption at Gatwick could have used any technology – it just happened to be drones.
He expected 2019 would be a busy year.
‘There are a couple of things in terms of legislation that have prevented counter-drone technology but I think that will change now.
‘When it comes to security incidents, people tend to be reactive rather than proactive.
‘What we should do is have Guernsey Airport to have Sky Fence and test it there.
‘You already have the legislation in place there and you’re quite comfortable with it.’
Les Nicolles was the first prison in the UK to introduce a drone defence system. Its use in the island has come up in the House of Commons debates and government is to look at the success rate in the island as it investigates its possible usage in the UK.
Guernsey’s head of ports, Colin Le Ray, said the possibility of Sky Fence could be looked at.
‘We’ve never had cause to consider using drone fences at the airport. However, we will reconsider that in light of the situation at Gatwick.’
Channel Islands director of civil aviation Dominic Lazarus said airport security was constantly under review and reacted accordingly to any new threats.
‘The current legislation is of international standard and new legislation is due in November 2019 which will further increase controls,’ he said. ‘Additionally, it is important that we enforce the law with the maximum punishment as a deterrent that this kind of reckless behaviour is unacceptable.’
He believed further evolution of technology would be necessary in conjunction with tighter legislation to include registration and training.
. Flights at Gatwick were suspended again yesterday due to a new 'suspected drone sighting' at 5.10pm.
Aircraft were circling the skies over the airport unable to land.