Guernsey Press

Goats are happy to keep munching their way through Christmas trees

MORE than 200 Christmas trees have been donated to a local smallholding family for their goats to eat – almost more than the animals know what to do with.

Ryan Le Guilcher runs a Castel smallholding with wife Charlotte, dubbed The Accidental Zoo. They have been inundated with Christmas trees for their pygmy goats after a Facebook post, but are happy to accept more. (Picture by Steve Sarre, 23555209)

This year’s newest disposal service has seen islanders giving their trees to the Le Guilcher family for their goats to eat.

Ryan and Charlotte Le Guilcher and their daughters, Tilly and Izzy, have three pygmy goats at their home, which has become known as the Accidental Zoo.

Mrs Le Guilcher said the goats loved to eat Christmas trees, which not only provide nourishment for the animals but also act as a natural wormer for them.

‘Christmas trees are like catnip to goats,’ she said.

However, the goats are limited to a tree a day, so they still have room for their normal food.

Mr and Mrs Le Guilcher invited islanders to drop Christmas trees off at their address in the Castel via The Accidental Zoo’s Facebook page.

As popularity of the idea increased, a pick-up service was also offered for those without transport.

They asked for a minimum donation of £5 for the pick-up service and half of this helps fund the care and housing of the 80 animals on site, while the other half will be given to Guernsey Cheshire Home.

Mrs Le Guilcher said: ‘Many people had given more than the minimum donation, which was generous.’

The response has been so great that there are more trees than the goats can eat and so they have been put to other uses.

The excess trees will be shredded and mixed with other tree cuttings to spread over the ground of the enclosures for a number of animals at the property.

Among the menagerie there are chickens, ducks, geese, a turkey and an emu, as well as the goats.

Mrs Le Guilcher said the level of response was unexpected and they now had around 200 trees, with more to collect.

There is no set end date for the service, so islanders are still welcome to either drop their trees at the Le Guilcher residence – The Oaks, Ruette de la Generotte, Castel – or contact them through the Facebook page to arrange pick-up.