Bridge pub and Town garage could be turned into housing
A BRIDGE pub could be used for retail, community use or housing, while a Town garage could be transformed into a new housing development, according to two new draft development frameworks.

The frameworks aim to show what potential development would be allowed on a site.
The latest documents are for English & Guernsey Arms on South Side and Bougourd Ford in the Grange.
The garage site has already been designated for allocated housing in the Island Development Plan.
In the framework it is estimated that between 15 and 20 homes could be created on the 0.3 hectare site, which is surrounded by houses, the Grange Lodge Hotel and Ebenezer Church.
Currently it has access only from the Grange. However, the framework suggests that this could be improved by having a second access past Ebenezer.
It is proposed that the E&G site could have a number of possible uses if it was redeveloped.
The main building was built as a home during the second part of the 19th century and has been extended since then.
The site is about 0.21 hectares and is currently classed as retail. But the draft framework suggests that there were a number of potential uses.
These include housing, community use, offices, industry, storage, visitor accommodation or leisure and recreation.
Demolishing the existing building would be allowed if there was a compelling evidence that a new development would enhance the area.
In both cases the planners said the sites should not be divided, but kept as single developments.
The Development & Planning Authority is inviting islanders to comment on the draft documents by email at or in writing to the authority.
Following the consultation, the comments will be considered by the authority. If approved, the frameworks will become supplementary planning guidance and will be taken into account when considering development proposals for these sites.
.The frameworks can be viewed at or at Sir Charles Frossard House.
All responses and comments should be submitted by 5pm on Monday 11 February.