Guernsey Press

Temporary building put at PEH for pharmacy work

A TEMPORARY modular building has been delivered to the PEH, providing an ultra-clean environment for pharmacy staff to prepare chemotherapy drugs and radioactive isotopes.

Martin Peacock clinical support services manager by the temporary modular unit to house a pharmacy aseptic unit. (Picture by Adrian Miller23684838)

The building will house a pharmacy aseptic unit which is expected to be in place for ‘several’ months while existing facilities are refurbished.

During the refurbishment projects, the unit will ensure a continuity of services which will mean fewer patients need to leave the island for their conditions to be diagnosed and treated.

‘It was transported from the harbour to the PEH overnight on Sunday to Monday and was installed on the road that leads to the hospital’s main entrance,’ a spokesperson said.

‘Unfortunately, this will mean that a number of parking spaces will be temporarily unavailable.’

While the unit is in place, the bus stop at the main entrance will be suspended and the area outside the Le Vauquiedor entrance will become the main bus stop for the hospital.

HSC secured funding to replace the 19-year-old gamma camera in the radiology department at the PEH with a modern SPECT CT scanner.

This is the only nuclear medicine facility in the Channel Islands and is a highly specialised diagnostic tool used alongside other radiology equipment to detect a range of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease and stress fractures.

The new scanner is part of the refurbishment process and will offer improved imaging and will be capable of a broader range of examinations than the existing gamma camera, which will mean less patients will need to leave the island for their conditions to be diagnosed.