Census shows population has risen by 242
GUERNSEY’S population has risen by 242 to 62,307, according to the latest electronic census data.

The population snapshot was taken in March 2018 for the fifth annual electronic census.
It found that over the previous 12 months the number of people of working age – 16 to 64 – had remained stable, but the number of people aged 65 to 84 had risen by 2%.
Overall, the island’s natural population decreased by 32, but a net migration of 274 people resulted in the overall rise.
The number of people coming to the island has remained largely stable over the last three years, with just over 14,000 coming to the island over 12 months up to March 2018, but the numbers leaving over the same period have been dropping. While just under 14,000 left, the quarterly figures show a steady decline in the numbers leaving.
Around 3,760 left in the first quarter of 2017, compared with 3,349 in the first quarter of 2018. Of the immigrants coming to the Bailiwick, 88% are working age – 16 to 84. Latvia and Portugal are still the most popular places for immigrants to come from, with nearly one in five coming from one of those countries.
However, 89% of the people leaving were also working age. Of those leaving, half had lived in Guernsey for less than five years.
About 60% of the island’s population had lived in Guernsey for 20 years or more. Three-quarters of island was born in either Guernsey, the UK or Ireland.
Half the island’s population were in employment.
The data shows that 15% of people aged between 65 and 69 were in work, with nearly 5% of 70 to 74 years also still working.
St Port Port is still the most densely populated parish, with nearly a third of islanders living there. This is followed by the Vale, with 9,531, and then St Sampson’s and Castel.
The least populated is Torteval, with 1,036. There were also 76 people listed as living on Herm and Jethou.