Guernsey Press

Woman is hospitalised after being hit by car

A WOMAN was taken to hospital after being hit by a white Hyundai i10 on Saturday morning.

Last updated
The scene of a traffic accident near Salerie corner. (Picture by Andrew Le Poidevin, 23849538)

The incident happened at about 10am near Salerie Corner.

A double-crewed paramedic ambulance and an incident car were sent to the scene, a St John spokesman said.

‘A female patient was assessed by the crew and treated for potentially serious injuries,’ he said.

‘The patient was immobilised as a precaution and following the initial treatment by the paramedic at the scene, the woman was transferred to the emergency department of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.’

Police and Guernsey Fire & Rescue Service staff were also on scene.

The road and pavements were cordoned off and no one was allowed through the scene for about two hours.

Guernsey Police is asking for any witnesses or people with dashcam footage of the incident to get in touch.

  • Anyone able to help can contact PC 100 Simon or PC 137 Drummy at the police station on 725111.