New 25mph speed limits start tomorrow
TOMORROW morning will see the new 25mph speed limits come into effect.

The new limits broadly cover all local centres and main centre outer areas, as identified in the Island Development Plan. In addition, there will be a new 25mph zone in the vicinity of Blanchelande College. The aim of the reduced speed limits is to help improve road safety, particularly for people who travel by foot and cycle.
Speed limit signs are being installed on the road surface at entry points to major roads where the new 25mph speed limits have been introduced. These will help highlight the start of the new limits and will be in addition to the legally-enforceable pole-mounted signs. Drivers should expect to see the roundels being installed over the next few weeks.
The new speed limit legislation comes into force at midnight tonight and the signs will be uncovered first thing tomorrow morning.
Maps showing the new speed limits can be found at