Second code of conduct complaint is dismissed
A CODE of conduct complaint made by Dawn Tindall against Neil Inder has been rejected.

Deputy Tindall lodged a complaint to the States’ Members Code of Conduct Panel last month about comments made by Deputy Inder in the media and on social media after she had made a previous complaint against him regarding comments he made in an interview with BBC Guernsey in February.
In this complaint, Deputy Tindall said that comments he made in an interview with the BBC on 1 March and also on his Facebook page were a breach of sections 8 and 9 of the code, which sets out the conduct expected of members.
The panel chairman established an investigation panel to consider the matter and the panel met on 5 April, when the evidence was considered.
The panel also met the two deputies.

‘The panel found that the evidence provided by Deputy Tindall did not support her allegation that Deputy Inder had breached sections 8 and 9 of the code of conduct,’ a panel spokesperson said.
‘Therefore the panel found that Deputy Inder has not breached the code of conduct for States’ members and dismissed the complaint. The matter is therefore now closed.’
The first complaint, made by Deputy Tindall in February, was upheld last month and Deputy Inder was given a caution.
A copy of the panel’s latest report is available to view at the Greffe, during its opening hours.