Special needs swimmers competing in Liverpool
SWIMMERS from Guernsey Marlins are heading out to compete in Liverpool against other people with special needs from across the UK.

Ten members of the local group will be taking part.
Group chairman Graham Elwin said the competition would help the young people gain a variety of skills.
‘They will get to compete with other swimmers of equal ability, as they are time banded for their ability,’ he said.
‘Also they will get a lot of life skills, as we get them to look after one another at the hotel and make sure everyone is washed and ready.
‘They also get a lot of life skills out of being off-island.’
In the past the group has travelled to Reading to take part in the national competition, but the loss of the pool there means the swimmers will now have to fly to Manchester and then on to Liverpool to compete.
Among the competitors is Tim Evans, 32.
‘I am looking forward to it,’ he said.
‘I will do my best. I like being with my friends when I’m swimming.’
Sam Winterflood, 28, will also be taking part.
‘It’s a chance to go and win some medals,’ he said.
‘It will be really good. I’m quite competitive.’
The swimmers will be flying out on 17 May and competing the next day.