Cheshire Home fete back after a long break
AFTER a long layover, the Guernsey Cheshire Home fete returned last weekend.

The event was held in the home’s garden, with live music, events and stalls.
Deputy home manager Sarah Winsall said it had been going really well.
‘This is the first fete we have done in quite a few years,’ she said.
‘We try to get the residents out to events, but we thought today we would bring people to the home instead so they can see what the home is about, meet the residents and see our beautiful garden.’

The event started at 11am on Sunday and Mrs Winsall said the crowds had been steady all day.
Among the people enjoying the day were friends Eva Redelinghuys and Claudia Radford, both 11. The Melrose pupils are no strangers to the home – their school has been working to build stronger bonds between the two institutions.
‘We’ve come up here four times over the year,’ Eva said. ‘It’s really nice to see the residents, who are really friendly, and it’s nice to talk to them.’
She said they had a good time at the fete eating ice creams and meeting Dolly the support pony.
The Cheshire Home works to allow people with serious physical disabilities to live in a family-style atmosphere.
It costs £500,000 a year to keep the home running, meaning that fundraising events such as the fete are vital.