Guernsey Press

Runway ride for Sarah

MORE than 150 riders took part in the Sarah Groves Foundation Runway Ride 2019.

Runway ride in aid of the Sarah Groves Foundation. Picture supplied by John Fitzgerald (25297667)

Volunteers from nearly every airport department and emergency service worked to provide islanders with the rare opportunity.

‘We had 150 riders or thereabouts,’ said Vic Groves.

‘It was lovely to see so many young people in attendance too. It was really enthralling for people to see around the runway and I think curiosity got a lot of people up there to see it. I think people were actually very surprised at how hilly it all is because you think of the runway as flat, but actually it isn’t level at all.’

The complete circuit is about two miles round and riders had three hours to explore the runway.

Gary Hooks, an honorary ambassador of the foundation, who was at the event as a precursor to taking the challenge of riding to Istanbul via Rome in September for the charity, was very pleased with the turnout on Saturday.

‘I’m sure nobody will mind me saying how amazing it was to see so many youngsters out there having a special time on a lit-up runway. They are the future of island cycling and must be applauded. I estimate we managed to raise upwards of £2,000 and for this we are, as always, eternally appreciative,’ said Mr Hooks on Facebook.

Mr Groves added: ‘A very special thanks must go to all of the volunteers and services who helped us put this event on. Channel Islands Air Search, Civil Protection, St John Ambulance, all of the airport security staff and anyone else who helped us out in any way – they all gave their time voluntarily. We have raised some money for the foundation, but more importantly, everyone who came had a brilliant time and won’t forget the experience in a hurry.’

The event went down so well among those who attended there is already popular demand for a return next summer.

The foundation was established towards the end of 2013 to honour the memory of Sarah Groves, who was killed on a houseboat in Kashmir.

It is a not-for-profit, registered charitable trust aiming to fulfil Sarah’s ambition in life – to enhance the lives of young people, especially those less fortunate than herself.