Positive signs as Alderney economic recovery continues
ALDERNEY’S economic recovery is continuing, according to States of Alderney figures which back up the year’s previous trends.

Policy & Finance Committee chairman James Dent said the latest economic indicators showed the economy was in an improving state.
‘The economic recovery reported over the last few quarters is continuing. And this is really good news,’ he said.
‘The opportunities and lifestyles that our community offers are clearly attractive and something we have been increasingly successful at promoting.
‘Alderney welcomes those who would like to come and live on the island and who want to set up, or are in the process of setting up, businesses here.
‘We must not lose the hard-earned momentum we now have.
‘We are particularly grateful to all those in Guernsey who have been supporting us and who have indicated they want to work with us in order that ours and the wider Bailiwick’s economies can thrive.’
The latest data generated from primary sources reinforces the optimistic key performance indicator trends for the end of the first quarter of this year, which are showing an increase in population, average earnings, number of employers, house sales and passenger transport movements when compared with the year before.
The population stood at 2,039 people at the end of September 2018, an increase of 15 over the previous September.
The four-quarter average earnings at the end of March 2019 were up by 2.6% over March 2018 and stood at £25,386 compared with £24,736.
There was also an increase in employers in the first quarter, up to 134, compared with 125 in March 2018, an increase of 7.2% over the year.
Property sales during the first six months of 2019 saw 18 freehold dwelling sales registered at an average price of £300,000 as compared to 17 in the first half year of 2018 at an average price of £266,000.
Air and passenger movements for the first six months of this year included an overall scheduled increase on the Alderney and Southampton route of 3.7%, to 9,971 from 9,613, over the same period last year and an increase of 1.7%, to 13,654 from 13,428, on the Alderney and Guernsey route.
The Little Ferry Company began its 2019 operation between Alderney and Guernsey during the last week of May, with the five-week period until the end of June 2019 showing 1,601 passenger movements. In the 11-week period mid-July to the end of September in 2018, there were 3,491 passenger movements recorded in total.
For the three-month period April to June 2019, there were 1,211 yacht nights recorded at the harbour, compared with 1,172 recorded over the same three-month period in 2018.
Tourism and Economic Development committee chairman Christian Harris said they would now look ahead at Brexit.
‘Brexit and the uncertainties that go with it, seen by many in the UK as challenges, are seen here in Alderney as opportunities,’ he said. ‘Inevitably we will not be immune from all outside actions.
‘There are, however, already those who see us as a safe haven from the turmoil elsewhere and who are investing.’