Deputy questions P&R over senior Education appointments
CONCERN over Policy & Resources' role in the appointment of a new director of education has led a St Sampson's deputy to file a series of written questions to committee president Gavin St Pier.

Carl Meerveld's questions follow news that the woman who was appointed to the role in April is to withdraw because of family reasons.
The announcement was made by Policy & Resources and did not include any comment from the president of Education, Sport and Culture, Deputy Matt Fallaize.
It also said that P&R would not begin the process of looking for a replacement until the roles of committee secretary and director of operations 'embed into the organisation'.
'From this statement it appears that P&R are making decisions on behalf of the Committee for Education, Sport and Culture with regard to senior staff recruitment and assuming control of recruitment processes,' said Deputy Meerveld.
He went on to pose five questions to P&R, asking if they had assumed control of senior recruitment processes for ESC and, if so, why. If not, why were they making announcements regarding ESC senior recruitment issues, he asked.
He also wants to know how many people were on the selection panel for the appointment, what capacities they were acting in, which committees they represented and if the same format would be used for appointing the next director of education.
Finally, and echoing concerns surrounding the appointment of the new head of curriculum and standards Clare Sealy, he asks: 'How many people were on the original short listing for this position and was the person appointed the first choice/highest ranked by the selection panel?'
More inside the Guernsey Press [8 August 2019]