Planners back controversial Domarie vinery development
PLANNERS have recommended that plans to clear some glasshouses and create 15 storage units and two open yards be approved, despite hundreds of objections.

The application, which was made by Mr and Mrs B Slattery, is now set to go before the Development & Planning Authority political board next week for a final decision.
The original scheme for the Domarie and Avondale vineries on Oatlands Lane were first submitted in April 2017. That drew a petition with 172 signatories objecting to the project, as well as 24 letters of objection from 28 people. They were concerned about the proposed industrial use of the site, the loss of horticultural land, increased traffic and the impact on nearby residential properties.
The plans were then revised in April 2018, which drew 30 letters of objection from 45 people, and then further revised in January, which saw 30 letters of objection from 45 people. The final revision in July, which saw the addition of an acoustic fencing in the open yard and hedges, as well the removal of paths within the glasshouse, saw just 10 objections from 13 people.
The Business Innovation & Skills group backed the scheme, stating it would provide potentially affordable light industrial units, which were in strong demand for small businesses.
Traffic & Highway Services had no significant concerns about the onsite traffic and vehicles exiting on to the highway.
However, there were worries about a possible increase in heavy goods vehicles, particularly as the nearby lanes are a main walking and cycling route for St Sampson’s High School.
The Office of Environmental Health & Pollution Regulation also raised concerns around possible noise, dust, light and odour that could be generated by the site.
St Sampson’s Constables said while they were in favour of development that would bring business to the parish, they were worried about some aspects of the scheme, such as increased traffic, and said they did not feel appropriate traffic and service infrastructure was in place.
The planners concluded that the Island Development Plan allowed for some small-scale businesses on redundant glasshouse sites outside the main centres. They recommended the scheme be approved, with conditions.
The open planning meeting, where the final decision will be made, will be held in the Cambridge or Delancey rooms at Beau Sejour at 9.30am on Wednesday 14 August.