New parking area gives 80 more staff spaces at PEH
AN EXTRA 80 staff spaces have been created on the southern side of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in a bid to reduce parking pressure on the site.

The new spaces, which are next to Oberlands Road, were opened officially yesterday.
Hospital modernisation director Jan Coleman said Health & Social Care worked to accommodate all of the demands and challenges it faces running a busy campus.
‘We are fully aware of the difficulties faced by our service users on occasion when the site reaches capacity and have worked hard to provide the additional parking in conjunction with a range of other measures and promotions to ensure staff and our visitors have options and can play their part in managing this issue,’ she said.
‘We have asked our staff to support the changes we are making across the PEH campus and I would like to thank our team of porters who do their utmost every day to manage the PEH, as well as our colleagues at Environment & Infrastructure.’
The parking bays are set out with white markers, matching the existing colour scheme across the PEH campus, where white spaces denote staff parking and red spaces are provided for visitors and service users.
The parking expansion features a dedicated planting scheme and a new floodlit footpath, which leads staff to the walkways near the lighthouse wards and on to their workplace.
All PEH staff have received an email explaining the changes and the new area will be manned by porters for the next few weeks to help staff while it becomes established.
The expansion is part of a range of initiatives being introduced to manage the traffic across the campus.
n In addition to the car parks, new staff changing facilities will be in place by the end of the year and all PEH staff are being offered free bus travel to and from the hospital during September.
The free travel has been provided in conjunction with E&I and through the support of CT Plus.
HSC is also in dialogue with local bike shops to promote cycling for its staff through a discount scheme.
A staff parking permit scheme is being developed. Fixed penalty notices remain an option to enforce parking.
Parking will remain under review and the impact of the new parking area will be assessed.