Guernsey Press

Climate change march to festival

EXTINCTION REBELLION and the Vale Earth Fair Collective are staging a march to this year’s fair to highlight the dangers of climate change.

Some of the members of the Vale Earth Fair Collective.(Picture by Lucy Darke)

The popular music event is at Vale Castle on 24 and 25 August.

The march will begin outside the Guernsey Information Centre at 10am on Sunday 25 August.

‘The march will be peaceful and vibrant and the mood will be welcoming and joyous,’ a march spokesman said.

‘This will be a celebration of the earth as well as a call to urgent action from the powerful in our society to craft the economically equitable and environmentally sustainable future all people deserve.’

The march will go ahead in all weathers and everyone is welcome, whether they are a veteran of the Vale Earth Fair or have never set foot in a festival.

‘Marchers are most welcome to just join us for the march if they prefer.’

The march is expected to arrive at the festival at noon.

Once in the festival, Extinction Rebellion Guernsey will have the stage for a short period of time, and several local music acts will perform to show their support for action on climate issues.

Anyone who does participate will get half-price entrance to the festival. Cash refunds will be available for validated tickets.

Profits from the festival go to support Free Tibet, Burma Campaign UK and Guernsey’s own Bridge to Haiti.

. For more details on tickets and the musical line-up visit