Gollop could be ‘sorely tempted’ to return to DPA
FORMER Development & Planning Authority president John Gollop is considering a comeback to the committee.
Deputy Gollop resigned, saying he was not the person to provide the committee with leadership and arguing that politicians should have made the decision about a controversial housing development at Cobo.
Deputy Dawn Tindall was narrowly elected in an uncontested vote to take over.
But no one has been willing to stand to fill the vacant fifth seat.
Deputy Gollop defended the DPA after criticism about how it handled Wednesday’s open planning meeting over an application to build storage units and open yards at a disused vinery in St Sampson’s.
It deferred a decision after four hours of deliberations in a meeting described as a ‘shambles’ by residents.
‘At question/statement time planning representatives are besieged with sometimes robust if not hostile questioning, the Merrett requete won most propositions with a review of the DPA now promised and there has been a loud operatic chorus of disapproval and [Deputy] Dawn [Tindall] nearly got a spoilt secret blank paper majority vote against her as the sole candidate for the leadership role, and yet no deputies were prepared to stand to sit on this important committee,’ said Deputy Gollop.
‘They did step up to the plate recently for the Home and Economic Development vacancies, despite apparent overwork. Perhaps the job is too onerous and politically unpopular in an election year.
‘There is a vacancy on the committee still for the early September meeting covering my birthday.
‘As a present to myself, if no other candidates stand I will be sorely tempted to return to the fray as an ordinary member with a more independent and empowered perspective.’
Click here for Guernsey Press comment on the current planning appeal process.