Speeding drivers put Salerie Corner workers at risk
CONTRACTORS are being put at risk by drivers ignoring a temporary speed limit at Salerie Corner.

There is a 15mph restriction in place.
'From observations carried out, many drivers are ignoring the temporary speed restriction and driving past the works at around 25mph, including HGV's. This is placing the workforce in danger,' a Traffic and Highways spokesman said.
'Guernsey Police are aware of the issue, and if drivers are caught exceeding the temporary 15mph limit, they are likely to be issued with £70 fixed penalty notices.
'If drivers continue to exceed the temporary speed restriction, it is also likely that temporary traffic signals will be used to control a single line of traffic past the site, in order to keep the workforce safe. Inevitably, temporary traffic signals will lead to delays for all road users in the area.
'Please slow down and keep the workforce safe. Like everyone else, they want to go home to their families at the end of their working day, in one piece.'
Geomarine is replacing roadside railings.
Work is scheduled to continue until Friday 23 August.