Mental health nurses deny unlawful killing
THE trial began yesterday of two mental health nurses who are jointly charged with unlawfully killing a young woman through gross negligence at the Oberlands Centre nearly two years ago.

Rory McDermott, 32, and Naomi Prestidge, 31, deny the charges.
Lauren Ellis, 22, was a voluntary patient when she died on Crevichon Ward in the early hours of 12 October 2017.
Health & Social Care Committee president Deputy Heidi Soulsby and senior civil servant Mark de Garis were in the public gallery when the hearing began yesterday in the Royal Court.
Crown Advocate Chris Dunford spent two hours outlining the prosecution case.
The Royal Court has imposed reporting restrictions which prevent the media from publishing evidence until it has all been heard.
This is to reduce the risk of witnesses being influenced by evidence that might have been given in the days before.
The case is expected to last four weeks.
Advocate Clare Tee is representing Miss Prestidge while counsel for Mr McDermott is Advocate Mark Dunster.
Numerous witnesses including medical experts are expected to give evidence in the coming days and a whole day will be dedicated to watching CCTV footage from the Oberlands Centre from the relevant time.
Both defendants are currently on conditional bail.
The trial continues today.