Guernsey Press

Nurses continue their pay dispute protest in public

NURSES have been continuing their campaign to gather public support for their pay dispute this week.

Nurses have been trying to gather public support their pay dispute with the States. Left - Right: Steve Mundy, 52, Kenny Lloyd, 61, Megan Irven, 24, Zara Le Page, 36, Riley Le Page, 5, and Nick Le Page, 42, holding son Harvey Le Page, 3. (25679353)

On Monday a group was outside Sir Charles Frossard House, calling for motorists to honk in support.

This follows last week’s push, with members of the Royal College of Nursing standing along the seafront.

Steve Mundy has been spearheading the campaign.

‘We are here today doing this continuing our engagement and presence with the public to help promote our cause,’ he said.

Royal College of Nursing convenor Kenny Lloyd said they were keen to move forward.

‘We still haven’t had any meaningful discussion with Policy & Resources,’ he said.

The petition for Guernsey nurses’ equal pay for work of equal value currently stands at more than 3,000 signatures.

The nurses hope to lead a protest march on 21 September, starting at Salerie Corner at 11.30am. Anyone is welcome to attend.