Gallery: Around 1,000 students take part in climate march
AROUND 1,000 school children marched through St Peter Port this lunchtime, calling for action on climate change.

Pupils from the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre, College of Further Education, Les Beaucamps High School, Le Murier and St Sampson's High School all got involved in the march from the Grammar School to the Royal Court building. Along the way they were joined by students from Elizabeth College and Ladies College.

The march took place during their lunch break.
Charlotte Cleal, 16, was one of the organisers.
'It's been brilliant,' she said.
'Much better than we imagined.'
Along the way pupils waved placards and chanted for change.
At the Royal Court building they were met by Policy & Resources president Gavin St Pier, who said the States was looking at the problem.