Guernsey Press

School’s ‘Oscars’ put students in spotlight

THE achievements of Les Voies School students was celebrated during the school’s annual ‘Oscars’ awards ceremony.

Student Josh Setters, 14, has his moment in the spotlight at the ‘Oscars’ awards ceremony at Les Voies School as he receives recognition of his achievements from head teacher Jonathan Furley. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 259154730

Students, parents and teachers attended the ceremony, which is a celebration of both current students and school-leavers, as they received certificates and awards for their work throughout the last year.

Sophie Head, 16, one of their leavers, received four awards including best behaved and another for wellbeing, and came to the ceremony with her mum. She said she was pleased to have been recognised by the school for the work she had put in.

‘I’m now doing an art and design course at the college [of Further Education], so I’m happy that they saw all my hard work,’ she said.

‘I want to thank all the teachers for getting us here, they’ve been really good.’

Her mum, Svetlana, said there had been difficult times, but that she was delighted by her daughter’s achievements.

‘I’m absolutely proud of her,’ she said.

‘It’s been a rollercoaster of a time, but she’s managed it and she continues to do so well.

‘She’s now enjoying her course at the college and that’s great to see.’

The school opened in 2013, offering students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties the opportunity to earn qualifications and have seen a number of achievements over the years.

This year’s success stories include celebrating a 91% rate of students attaining A* to C grades and its first student to gain five A* to C grades at GCSE level or equivalent, including English and maths.

Head teacher Jonathan Furley said the aim of the ceremony, which saw students also presented with their Year 11 achievement portfolios, was to ensure that they take their success through with them.

‘We’ve had a number of honours to be awarded,’ he said.

‘It’s about who has had the best journey throughout their time here, they’ve all done extremely well and we’re very proud of them.

‘This year we’ve had amazing results and a good inspection – the whole year has been a great success.

‘Today’s ceremony has shown what it’s all about as a community and we’ve been overwhelmed by it all and had to get extra seats for students and parents – it’s a real positive.’