Guernsey Press

Planning guidance approved for former Education offices

FORMER Education Offices in the Grange are one step closer to becoming housing, after a development framework was approved.

Planning guidance has been approved for the former Education offices in The Grange. (25960721)

The site, which is already a housing allocation area, used to housed Ladies College many years ago. Until recently it had been the headquarters for the States Education offices.

The draft development framework states that the site should be used for housing, although no guidance is given as to how much.

Six consultation responses were received during the four-week public consultation period. The consultation responses were largely in support of the draft development framework, however there were requests for minor changes relating to issues including the public realm, access to the neighbouring car park, level of protection to the existing trees, development of the northern portion of the site, biodiversity and the recording of non-protected structures on site prior to demolition.

Also, during the course of the preparation of the draft development framework, the trees at the entrance to the site on Grange Road were assessed for their importance. Subsequently the cluster of six stem sycamore trees and the copper beech tree, all at the north of the Education Offices site, were given tree protection orders.

As a result of the consultation responses and the change in status of the trees on site, a number of amendments were made to the draft development framework. These included recognition of the historic interest of the militia hut, inclusion of references to the tree protection orders and amendments relating to the biodiversity of the site.

The number of residential units on site will be influenced by the requirement to preserve the special interest of the protected building, as well as taking into account other constraints such as the protected trees and character of the Conservation Area.