Rise and shine for a Bright Tights breakfast
ISLANDERS are being encouraged to take part in the annual Bright Tights Day on Friday 1 November.

Formed by Pat Child nine years ago, the charity provides practical, financial and emotional support to Bailiwick women who are suffering from gynaecological cancer.
It also aims to raise awareness of the symptoms and to support research into better detection and improved treatment of the disease.
‘It was when I had a gynaecological cancer myself that I realised there was no support,’ said Mrs Child.
People are being asked to hold a Bright Tights Breakfast for 2019.
This could be at a person’s home or in a public building and a poster to advertise it can be created using a download from the charity’s website.
The download includes menu ideas, printable bunting and tent cards to cut up and spread around the goodies on offer.
People are also being encouraged to wear bright tights or socks that day and to make a donation for the privilege.
Sponsorship forms are available on the download.
Via the Eve Appeal, the charity has provided money for research at University College London.
The money this year will be used to fund research into vulval cancer.
There is a plaque on the wall at UCL thanking Bright Tights and the people of Guernsey for what they have done.
Funds can be paid at the bank to the Bright Tights HSBC sort code 40-22-25 account number 84340477, or go to Bright Tights at Giving.gg.
Cheques can be sent to Bright Tights, c/o The Treasurer, Victoria House, New Road, St Sampson’s, GY2 4QD.
Further details are available at www.brighttights.org.gg or the Bright Tights Facebook page.
The charity can be contacted at brighttightsgsy@gmail.com.