Guernsey Press

Survey seeks to find out more about gambling addiction

A SURVEY is being carried out to find out more about gambling habits.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 26150285)

The survey was commissioned following concerns raised over the results of the last Household Expenditure Survey.

This showed that the average household spend on lottery games was £261 per annum in Guernsey, compared to £190 in Jersey.

Scratchcard revenue from Guernsey in 2018 was £9.6m. and in Jersey was £7.3m.

Public Health Services has been working with researchers from Liverpool John Moores University to conduct the survey, which aims to understand people’s recreation activities including gambling participation and attitudes to gambling.

Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink said: ‘I would encourage everyone who receives an invitation to please go online and complete the survey. We need as many people as possible to give their views so that we can gather all the relevant information and then use this to help plan our future services.’

The study is open to residents of Guernsey aged 16 or over.

A postcard has been sent to 7,000 households inviting a person living at that address who at the next birthday is aged 16 or over to complete the survey.

The researchers are interested in all residents’ views, including those who have never gambled.

The survey also asks some general questions including the respondent’s age and gender and lifestyle topics such as fruit and vegetable consumption.

Participation is voluntary and survey responses will be treated in strict confidence.

The information gathered will be used to identify levels of need across Guernsey and to inform policy and service provision.

. The survey can be completed online at

Paper copies are available by calling 707311. The closing date is 30 November.