Japanese hut in park shut on safety grounds pending repairs
ISLANDERS are keen to see repairs made to a historic Japanese hut, after it was closed to the public over safety concerns.

An Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services spokesman said that the work was needed.
‘The Japanese hut at Saumarez Park is recognised as being greatly valued by the community, but is in need of some repairs to the platform and the roof,’ they said.
‘As a result, it has been closed for public safety reasons.
‘The structure is in poor condition and, whilst there is no immediate concern that it will collapse, people are advised not to enter it.’
The fishing hut, which is not a protected building, was last surveyed in 2016 and several repairs to the platform and railings have been undertaken since then. However, larger works are now required.
‘Work is being undertaken to determine the costs before putting forward a request for the funding required in order to undertake the repairs,’ the spokesman said.
‘This request will be assessed alongside other bids from across the organisation on minor capital spend on States’ properties.’
People using the park were keen yesterday to see it restored.
Among them were brothers Seth, 6, and Charlie, 4, Kenyon.
Both boys said they would like to be able to play on the structure.
Emma Wilkins, who was at the park with her three-year-old son, Seb, agreed.
‘Seb says he wants to go on it,’ she said.
‘It feels like it’s been closed for a while. The kids love it and it’s nice to see the pond from the viewpoint.’
Caroline Maynard walks her dogs in the area regularly. ‘It definitely needs to be fixed,’ she said.
‘It’s part of culture and it’s been here for many years. It was really well used, but it’s now been closed for a while.’