New marathon aims to attract overseas athletes
THE new Guernsey marathon is aiming to put the island on the international running map and boost tourism in the low season by attracting hundreds of overseas athletes.

The event was cancelled this year when the former organiser stepped down, but now a local running club – – along with 3D Events has picked up the mantle for next year.
Long-distance runners will need to plan their training, because the date of the event is Sunday 29 March.
Michael Quittenden from said the vision was to establish a professional event that would bring together overseas and local runners, bringing economic and social benefits to the island.
‘We have a stunning island and a very scenic coastal marathon course, and so we are confident that this, combined with professional management, will see us able to attract hundreds of runners to the island in what is a shoulder month over the next few years,’ he said.
VisitGuernsey is a partner of the event, and Mike Hopkins, director of marketing and tourism, said it was a great initiative.
‘We are delighted to see the return of a marathon to Guernsey’s shores, particularly during the start of the tourist season in March, when there is excess capacity in the market,’ he said.
‘VisitGuernsey will be supporting Michael and his team by helping to promote the Guernsey marathon to our UK and European markets.’
The newly designed clockwise course will start and finish on Castle Pier, St Peter Port.
It will incorporate some of Guernsey’s iconic landmarks, taking runners through the island’s most scenic areas and around the coast..
The race will be split into three categories – marathon, relay with teams of two or five people, and fun run.
A gamut of runners are encouraged to take part, from semi-professional and elite athletes to families having a good time while raising money for charity in the fun run.
Operating under a full licence from UK Athletics, the course will be an officially measured distance.
Organisers are now seeking businesses to partner with in a number of key areas and volunteers who may be able to give some time to help ensure a safe operation.
. For more information contact the Guernsey Marathon team at
Runners can register their interest in the event itself at