Delancey Park trees vandalised again
TREES in Delancey Park have been damaged for the third time in a year, leaving the parish constables saddened and disappointed.

The latest attack took place over the weekend and saw two trees snapped.
After the first incident, the attacker was dealt with by the courts.
The second involved a juvenile.
Senior constable Paul Le Pelley said the latest incident happened during the night.
‘It was reported to us at 7.47am on Sunday morning,’ he said.
‘The person who reported it to us is a regular dog walker and former constable and they knew it had not been done the day before, so we think it was done during the night.’
The trees had only been in place six months.
They had been donated by Saffery Champness to replace trees that had previously been damaged.

‘We just feel a bit down about it,’ Mr Le Pelley said.
‘The trees were not hurting anybody.
'It’s a great shame. We are disappointed and saddened by what happened.’
The park is owned by the douzaine and constables of St Sampson’s on behalf of the parish and is then leased to Education, Sport and Culture.
Mr Le Pelley said they would not be defeated by the latest damage and he hoped to plant replacements – which might be bigger and sturdier than the previous saplings.
He added that it was important that parishioners were the eyes and ears of the parish officials and keep a look out for incidents like this.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact PC 97 Du Port on 725111 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.