‘Fascinating process to design for two sites’
THE architects behind the plans for the new schools at Baubigny and Les Beaucamps have described their vision as ‘sustainable, lean and efficient’.

David Gausden, the director of Design Engine Architects, outlined the concept to create buildings where young people can flourish.
‘It has been a fascinating process designing two very different additions to school campuses.
‘These follow the same brief, but demand a very different design character, influenced by context and relationship to the existing buildings.
‘Common to both projects is our desire to celebrate the spaces between buildings, creating dynamic yet safe protected courtyard environments.’
At Baubigny, the plans show the new accommodation set within three separate structures and a series of external landscaped spaces between existing and new buildings.

The new buildings are connected to the existing building with covered bridges and stairs.
To make it more visually appealing, a stylistic technique called a vertical fin element will provide ‘texture and shadow’, combined with recessed coloured wall panels to give ‘identity and pattern’.
At Les Beaucamps, the architects were tasked with creating an addition to the school that they designed and which was completed in 2013.
The existing building sits into a sloped site overlooking the sea, with spaces arranged around a central courtyard.
The proposed new sister building follows a similar architectural theme, forming a second courtyard between the existing school and sports building.
A smaller new building focused on special educational needs is located at the bottom of the site, forming the second side of a landscaped garden.

Subject to planning approval, works are due to commence on-site in July and a phased construction programme will allow the existing buildings to continue in operation during construction, with the new schools ready for use for the beginning of the 2022 academic year.
A 21-day consultation period for the planning application starts once the site notices have been erected, which will allow representations to be submitted up to 23 January.
It is considered very likely that an open planning meeting will be held by the Development & Planning Authority to consider the plans because the scheme fits the established criteria under the heading ‘particularly contentious or sensitive’.
However, nearby residents have expressed their concerns. Read more here.